Contracts will be concluded online in the future
Global Trends in Automotive & Financial Services 2024

Contracts will be concluded online in the future

The behaviour of automotive customers has fundamentally changed in recent years. Digital platforms are increasingly shaping the path to vehicle acquisition. Contracts will be concluded online in the future - this is one result of this year's market study Global Trends in Automotive & Financial Services. The study also shows which types of drive and financial products respondents prefer and which needs determine their charging behaviour. The global preferences vary from region to region.

Global Trends in Automotive & Financial Services 2024

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The market research agency Kantar has conducted the cross-brand study for the second time on behalf of Mercedes-Benz Mobility AG. The survey was carried out in Germany, the USA, and China. A total of 2,515 drivers of premium vehicles of various brands and models were surveyed, who have acquired their current vehicle with financial products or by direct purchase.

Study insights in short


  • Digital financial products becoming more popular: More than 70% would conclude contracts online.
  • Respondents open to electromobility: Over half are considering acquiring a fully electric vehicle.
  • Financial products over direct purchase: Respondents prefer financing, leasing, or car subscription.
  • Charging options and behaviour: Public charging available for most respondents; home charging is the preferred charging location for the majority.
  • In-car payment continues to gain ground: Over half of respondents would use in-car payment services - share increases by 20 percentage points.

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