
The latest stories from the world of Mercedes‑Benz Mobility

What's new at Mercedes‑Benz Mobility? What innovations are we launching? How does it feel to work for us? Here you will find testimonials, background information and interesting tidbits about our company.

Talking Changes – Taking Chances


We're heading into the fifth episode of "Talking Changes – Taking Chances"! Franz Reiner meets Miriam Wohlfarth, digital expert and founder of two successful FinTech companies. Do you want to know what she thinks of our in-house payment platform Mercedes pay and why diversity in companies only has advantages?

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Contracts will be concluded online in the future


The behaviour of automotive customers has fundamentally changed in recent years. Digital platforms are increasingly shaping the path to vehicle acquisition. Contracts will be concluded online in the future - this is one result of this year's market study Global Trends in Automotive & Financial Services.

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Awards for strategic and cultural initiatives


Mercedes-Benz Mobility wins multiple awards for strategy and culture initiatives, including German Design and Serious Play Awards.

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Creating value with technology


Join us in this insightful interview with our tech leader, who shares some insights into the company’s transformation path, future of customer services and her people-first approach.

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Mercedes-Benz inaugurated first European Charging Hub in Mannheim


Mercedes-Benz today inaugurated its first own German charging hub in Mannheim. By the end of the decade, Mercedes-Benz plans to establish more than 2,000 of its own charging stations worldwide with over 10,000 fast-charging points.

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Mercedes-Benz launches first EV charging hub in North America


With the launch of its first Mercedes-Benz Charging Hub, located at Mercedes-Benz USA's headquarters in Sandy Springs, Georgia, Mercedes-Benz is setting new standards for fast, convenient, environmentally friendly and reliable charging of electric vehicles, while at the same time helping to increase the acceptance of electric vehicles in the U.S. market.

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„Why shouldn’t cars be able to do what smartphones have long been able to do?”


Nico Kersten, CEO of Mercedes pay, talks about In-Car Payment and how Mercedes-Benz drivers will soon be able to get a latte macchiato faster on the road with the help of artificial intelligence.

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Smart charging of fleets


Mercedes-Benz is launching a pilot project for smart charging solutions for fleets together with the energy supplier EWE, the Research Centre for Energy Economics (FfE) and The Mobility House, a provider of charging solutions. For this purpose, the car manufacturer is operating 10 Mercedes-EQ models in the fleet of Wernsing Feinkost (Oldenburg in Germany).

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This is how the dual course of study at Mercedes‑Benz Mobility and Mercedes‑Benz Bank works


Noah Engmann and Jan Wolf are dual students of business informatics at Mercedes‑Benz Mobility and Mercedes‑Benz Bank. We met them under the motto #MeetOurFuture to learn more about their studies and their work in our companies.

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Mr Reiner, what does the name "Mercedes‑Benz Mobility" stand for?


The date 29 January 2022 marks a special day for our company. Daimler Mobility will become Mercedes‑Benz Mobility. What does that mean exactly? What will “Mercedes‑Benz Mobility” stand for, and what will be our focus in the future? In order to get detailed answers to these questions, we asked our CEO, Franz Reiner.

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